Best Trades to Outsource Internationally

21 May 2024

Best Trades to Outsource Internationally


Imagine standing in your workshop, looking around at empty stations where skilled tradespeople once bustled with activity. The silence is a stark reminder of a growing crisis many regional Australian businesses are facing. The shortage of skilled workers is not just a statistic—it’s a daily struggle impacting your business’s ability to thrive.

At You Solved, we see your frustration and the anxiety that comes with it. We understand the challenges you face: an aging workforce, fewer apprentices entering trades, and a staggering dropout rate among those who do. It feels like an uphill battle, doesn’t it?

But here’s the thing: you’re not alone in this. There is hope and a solution that might seem unconventional but is proving to be incredibly effective. By reaching out beyond Australia’s borders, you can connect with talented, skilled tradespeople eager to bring their expertise to your business.

In this article, we’ll explore the best trades to outsource internationally, showing you how this strategy can breathe new life into your operations. Together, let’s find a way to overcome these challenges and ensure your business doesn’t just survive, but thrives.

The Growing Skills Shortage: Why Local Talent Isn’t Enough

The shortage of skilled trades in Australia isn’t just a looming issue; it’s a crisis that’s already impacting businesses across the country. Let’s break down the key factors contributing to this critical shortage:

  1. Aging Workforce: Many skilled tradespeople are nearing retirement age, leaving significant gaps in the workforce. As these experienced workers retire, they take with them years of expertise and hands-on knowledge that are hard to replace.
  2. Declining Apprenticeship Uptake: Fewer young people are entering trade apprenticeships. With societal shifts towards university education and white-collar careers, the vocational path has seen a steep decline. This trend results in a smaller pool of new tradespeople to replace the retiring generation.
  3. High Dropout Rates: Even among those who do start trade apprenticeships, the dropout rate is alarmingly high. In fact, 54% of new apprentices abandon their training within the first year. This high attrition rate exacerbates the shortage and leaves businesses struggling to find competent workers.

These challenges mean that regional businesses are often left with vacant positions, delaying projects, reducing productivity, and ultimately affecting their bottom line. The solution? Looking beyond domestic borders and tapping into a global talent pool of skilled tradespeople.

By hiring internationally, you can bridge the gap left by the local talent shortage. In the next section, we’ll delve into the specific trades that are ideal for outsourcing and how international hiring can be a game-changer for your business.

Why Hiring Internationally is a Game-Changer

Facing the skills shortage head-on requires thinking outside the box. For many regional Australian businesses, that means turning to the international market to find the skilled tradespeople they need. Here’s why hiring internationally can be a game-changer:

Access to a Larger Talent Pool

When you look beyond Australia’s borders, you open the door to a vast pool of skilled workers. Countries around the world have robust vocational training systems producing highly qualified tradespeople eager for new opportunities. This larger talent pool increases your chances of finding the right fit for your business.

Fresh Perspectives and Expertise

International workers bring diverse experiences and expertise to the table. They can introduce new techniques and practices that might not be prevalent in Australia, potentially enhancing your business’s productivity and innovation. This influx of fresh perspectives can lead to improved problem-solving and efficiency.

Alleviating Local Workforce Pressures

By hiring internationally, you help alleviate the strain on the local workforce. This approach not only fills your immediate staffing needs but also contributes to the broader economy by ensuring that projects aren’t delayed and businesses can continue to operate smoothly.

Long-Term Stability

International hires can provide long-term stability for your business. With the right support and integration, these workers are likely to stay longer in their roles, reducing turnover and providing consistent, reliable skills for your operations.

Now that we’ve discussed the benefits, let’s look at the top trades that are ideal for outsourcing internationally.

Top Trades to Outsource Internationally

Certain trades are particularly well-suited for international recruitment. Here are some of the top trades where international hiring can make a significant impact:


The hospitality industry in regional Australia often struggles to find skilled chefs. International chefs bring diverse culinary skills and experiences, enhancing the dining experience and adding unique flavours to the local cuisine.


Welding is a critical trade for many industries, including construction and manufacturing. Skilled welders from overseas can fill the gaps left by the local shortage, ensuring that projects are completed on time and to high standards.

Diesel Mechanics

With Australia’s vast agricultural and mining sectors, diesel mechanics are in high demand. International diesel mechanics with specialized training and experience can keep essential machinery running smoothly, minimizing downtime and maintenance costs.

Auto Electricians

Auto electricians play a vital role in maintaining and repairing the electrical systems in vehicles and machinery. Hiring internationally can help meet the demand for these skilled professionals, particularly in regions where local talent is scarce.

The Recruitment and Migration Process: A Step-by-Step Guide

Navigating the recruitment and migration process for international hires can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you through the process:

  1. Identify Your Needs: Determine the specific trades and skills your business requires.
  2. Partner with a Specialist: Work with a recruitment agency like You Solved that specializes in international hiring and migration.
  3. Source Candidates: Use global networks to find and vet qualified candidates.
  4. Handle Legalities: Ensure all legal and immigration requirements are met, including visas and work permits.
  5. Integrate New Hires: Provide support and training to help international hires settle into their new roles and communities.

Success Stories: Real-Life Examples

Consider the story of a regional agricultural equipment company that struggled to find skilled diesel mechanics locally. The shortage was so severe that they were flying mechanics interstate between their workshops to keep up with the demand. This constant juggling led to increased costs and stressed employees.

By partnering with You Solved, they successfully recruited experienced diesel mechanics from overseas. These international hires brought the necessary skills and stability, allowing the company to reduce travel and overtime expenses and focus on growing their business. The new hires integrated seamlessly, bringing fresh expertise and contributing significantly to the company’s efficiency and productivity.

Or take the example of a construction company that faced delays due to a lack of welders. By sourcing skilled welders from abroad, they met project deadlines and maintained high-quality standards, securing more contracts and expanding their business.


In the face of a growing skills shortage, regional Australian businesses need to explore innovative solutions. Hiring skilled trades internationally offers a viable and effective strategy to overcome these challenges. By tapping into a global talent pool, you can ensure your business not only survives but thrives. If you’re ready to explore international hiring, You Solved is here to guide you every step of the way.

By following our ultimate checklist, business owners and leaders  can effectively navigate the process of hiring internationally.

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